

The goals of Motherwise in Region 8 of Michigan is to embrace, empower and educate Christian homeschooling moms in a place that feels like home.

Our time together during winter session features prayer, video led Bible Study and mothering skills where we gather the tools we need for our homeschooling and mothering tasks.

Holding to the basic beliefs that a great home education can be be Christ-centered, parent-directed, and community-strengthening: one family unto another, we are happy to offer Motherwise as a private initiative, apart from any government enrolled programs.

We value biblical discipleship, individual liberty and parental home leadership. However, Motherwise Michigan specifically promotes and advocates only for private, independent home-based education-not any of the various forms of public/government schooling. In order to be wholeheartedly FOR parental rights and the building up of confident parents within the homeschooling lifestyle, we are AGAINST facilitating a pathway to institutionalized schooling of any kind for our under 18 y.o. children, including public-school-at-home-, virtual, charter, and hybrid schools and their methods-curriculum-agenda, including educational initiatives such as the Common Core State Standards, etc. and its precursors. We also stand opposed to ANY sort of “partnership” with government schools (i.e.,participation in sports, extracurriculars sponsored by public schools) and any efforts by the government to regulate or control private, independent, home education.

In Motherwise, we serve one another in encouragement by sponsoring get togethers or learning experiences for the children and in spending time as combined families.

Would you like to be strengthened in Biblical principles in a warm and comfortable atmosphere? It would not be the same without you! For info on joining us and being a part of this group-
Contact Jen today @

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